Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Report

Bad news: Kelly and I forgot to bring our camera on our Thanksgiving trip.

Reading without pictures is no fun, so here's the brief rundown:

Orem - Boise - Orem
* Thanksgiving in Boise with the best turkey ever!
* Making sour cream-lemon pie with April
* 25 lbs of potatos-- thank you Uncle Dennis!
* Great shopping with the girls (JoAnns and two thrift stores)
* Enzo and Axel (April's dog) looked like twins and got along famously
* Enzo and Marmalade and Fudge (my family's new kittens) did NOT
* Fantastic haircut from April
* 24 hours of driving split up into 4 days!
* Adventures in dog parenting-- Enzo ate 1/2 a pound of M&M's and didn't sleep all night
* Church in the home-ward with so many people I love
* Quick/nice visit with David, Leslie and kids
* Caleb LOVES our dog and kissed him on the mouth! ~Sorry Leslie!
* Happy Birthday Bryan! (Sorry we missed Bryan's Birthday Boggle Bash)
* Station wagon packed to the brim with food storage on the way home
* Getting home again

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